Sunday, November 3, 2019

Didnt choose one yet , need the writors help choosing it for me Research Paper

Didnt choose one yet , need the writors help choosing it for me - Research Paper Example Fanatic missionaries like Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi provoke the hatred of the Qatari people of the support the Qatari government gives to American policy and involvement in Israel.2 Banished Saudi Salafist associated with the Qatari elites were accommodated in Qatar and accepted into religious organizations and the Interior Ministry after the raid on Mecca’s Grand Mosque in 1979. Sheikh Abdallah bin Khalifa al-Thani, the previous Interior Minister, was assigned from the Wahhabi group inside the Qatari institution.3 Even though Sheikh Abdallah was removed from his post, this group is still rooted among Qatari security officers. Salafists are being removed from the Interior Ministry or are being weakened by newly formed security organizations like the Internal Security Forces and the State Security Agency.4 As this effort continues, these organizations may become effective in fighting terrorism activities. The major sources of terrorism in Qatar are not likely to weaken in the near future, or after economic and political liberalization, implying that oppressive policing strategies will be the primary method used to stop terrorism. With the Interior Ministry ruled by Sheik Abdallah bin Nasser bin-Khalifa al-Thani, one of the supporters of the emir, and the Internal Security Forces and the State Security Agency directly under the emir, Qatar’s internal security is expected to be sufficiently supported and funded in the near future.5 The intelligence agency of Qatar is fast restructuring to fight terrorism, reporting satisfactory effectiveness in the investigation and prosecution of two Russians suspected of killing Yandarbiyev. Qatar will get substantial security support from Western countries if the new security agencies successfully accomplish their readjustment effort.6 Still, threat of terrorism continues to be a major problem. Al-Qaeda has terrorized Western people in Qatar. The Australian government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Tr ade (DFAT) even warned tourists â€Å"to exercise a high degree of caution in Qatar†7 because of serious terrorist threats. The DFAT said they were informed of plans to terrorize several individuals and groups in Qatar. On the 19th of March 2005, a suicide car bombing in Doha took the life of a British individual and wounded several other individuals.8 On the 17th of March 2005, the Saudi leader of Al-Qaeda, Saleh al-Oufi, declared a war on terrorists in Qatar and in other nations like Oman and Bahrain. However, the March 19 incident was not surprising. More terrorist attacks are likely to occur and concentrated on easy targets like emigrants.9 The Al-Qaeda in the Arab region is definitely trying to terrorize the Gulf States. The United States is still trying to improve counterterrorism collaboration with the government of Qatar. Working with U.S. officials on counterterrorism is still in progress, and Qatar approved firm counterterrorist finance (CTF) policy.10 However, Qata ri attempts to fight terrorism, especially terrorist financing, beyond its boundaries by charitable groups and private organizations were generally unsuccessful in terms of established global criteria. Qatar’

Friday, November 1, 2019

UpBeat Inc. ( Case Study ) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

UpBeat Inc. ( ) - Case Study Example According to the provision 1, bank needs to take permission from Upbeat Inc to sell its receivables in case of default also which is not the right accounting practice. It is totally against the principal of US GAAP. The bank has full statutory authorities to sell different receivables of Upbeat Inc in case of company’s defaulter situation. Once the company announced its incapability to repay bank loans then the bank can sell all receivables without any prerequisite permission. According to accounting principal this is considered as breach of trust or failure of agreement between two parties. Under this situation bank’s money is there with the company and the company is not returning it unreasonably (Sherman, 2011). This situation gives full authority to the bank to sell all receivables of the company without any permission. According to ASC, the bank needs to monitor the financial conditions of borrowing Upbeat. It has to observe whether the company is trying to pay bac k its money or not. Here in this case the company is withholding bank’s money unreasonably. So, there is no need to take any prior permission to sell or pledge their receivables. But here in this provision opposite thing has taken place. In the designing of this provision all the required standards of ASC has not been followed. This provision is not supporting various accounting standards. So, all the above arguments are stating that provision 1 of transfer agreement does preclude sales accounting. Here in this case, Transfer Provision 2 will not preclude sales accounting. According to this provision of transfer agreement Upbeat can repurchase their all receivables in future at a fixed price. According to GAAP of USA, Upbeat can come to an agreement with the bank where both parties will agree upon a fixed price against which the company will get back its receivables from the bank. It is a very suitable principal for Upbeat Inc. Due to this

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Water Shortage In New Zealand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Water Shortage In New Zealand - Essay Example This research report contained valuable information which included statistics (numerical data) as well as textual information such as information about the websites visited for accessing the data on Territorial Authorities in New Zealand and their various policies and approaches with regard to water supply in the country. Hence in order to enable ease of data recording, interpretation, and analysis, the decision to use and design the excel spreadsheet was made. Another crucial task was to ascertain the number of questions to be asked. For this purpose first, a tentative list was prepared and matched against the research objectives. Based on this criteria a final list of questions was shortlisted. This included a range of information on water supply in the country categorized on the basis of territorial authorities (TAs). A total of 70 TAs were shortlisted and questions such as whether the said TA offer advice on water conservation; whether they have a water meter in place, how much a mount of water is supplied to individuals as well as industries; whether the TAs have any plans to implement a water restriction; the existing state of water charge across all TAs etc., and among others. This paper makes a conclusion that the key purpose was to ensure that the questions asked helped in answering the broader research objective. The list of questions compiled was extensive and comprehensive and enabled access to crucial information regarding the state of water supply in the country.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Moral Self-Knowledge in Kantian Ethics Essay Example for Free

Moral Self-Knowledge in Kantian Ethics Essay In the article titled, Moral Self-knowledge in Kantian Ethics, Emer O’Hagan discusses Kant’s views and ideas concerning self-knowledge and the role it plays in duty and virtuous action. O’Hagan first introduces a key feature of Kant’s ethical theory which is its recognition of the psychological complexity of human beings. O’Hagan uses this recognition of psychological complexity by Kant to dive into Kant’s feeling on self-knowledge. Once a basic understanding of Kant’s attitude towards self-knowledge has been established, O’Hagan then uses Kant’s ethical theory to show how self-knowledge can be used as a means to help determine the goodness of an action. The arguments presented by O’Hagan are logical and clearly supported and verified through the presented evidence. Kant is shown to have recognized the psychological complexity of the human being in recognizing that, â€Å"judgments concerning the rightness of actions are vulnerable to corruption from self-interested inclination† (O’Hagan 525-537). Kant is saying that that even though an action may start out as from duty, our internal feelings as human beings can create a beneficial end as a means for the action, thus rendering it not from duty. Kant also recognizes that our own judgments about us may not be accurate. Moral self-development is a practice to develop accuracy for our self-judgments and takes into consideration one’s motives for action. O’Hagan tells us that this moral practice requires moral self-knowledge which is a form of self-awareness disciplined by respect for autonomy, the theoretical foundation of Kantian ethics. According to Kant, the first command of the duties to oneself as a moral being is self-knowledge. This is the ability to know yourself in terms of whether your heart is for good or evil and whether your actions are pure or impure. Kant describes duties of virtue to be wide duties, in that there is not a clear standard for how one should go about performing action for an end that is also a duty. O’Hagan tells us that Kant’s duty of moral self-knowledge is the duty to know one’s own heart. Kant tells us that moral self-knowledge is quite difficult because it involves abstracting, or taking a non-biased analysis of one’s self. Because we are bound to our own feelings and inclinations, we cannot completely separate ourselves from our own bias. The power of self-knowledge is the power to see things in objectivity instead of subjectivity. The final step of the argument is relating self-knowledge to determining the goodness of an action. O’Hagan tells us that developing self-knowledge will develop one’s self-understanding and will develop guards against self-deception. Using these skills to truly understand one’s heart allows for one to know one’s motives, and thus practical stance in action. According to Kant, the goodness of an action is determined by one’s motives, so the goodness of one’s action can now be evaluated. O’Hagan clearly demonstrates the importance of self-knowledge in Kant’s theory of ethics and validates its importance by describing application for use of the practice of self-knowledge (O’Hagan 525-537).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The History Behind Hate Crime and the Existing Legislation Essay

The History Behind Hate Crime and the Existing Legislation Many political scientists and researchers to a number of policy arenas in the United States ranging from corporal punishment to the quality of urban life have applied Daniel Elazar’s concept of political cultures. For a vast majority of these policy programs, a considerable correlation has been found to exist between the region examined and its approach to a specific policy. Elazar focused on three primary political cultures: the Moralist political culture (MPC), the Individual political culture (IPC), and the Traditional political culture (TPC). These cultures have served as a basis for explaining the difference that exist in the political, social, and personal facets of each respective region. These ideas have been consistent throughout the course of this nation’s history, existing even in present times. I have chosen to focus on a policy program that has demanded a great deal of attention in more recent times, namely in the past few years: hate crime policy. With mor e widespread media coverage, hate crimes have become more prevalent and more publicized than ever before. The Benjamin Smith shootings and the murder of Matthew Shepard are only two examples of recent crimes, which have been considered hate crimes that have promoted politicians and legislators to address this ever-growing problem and formulate a solution. This paper will attempt to define and uncover the history behind hate crime and the existing legislation. Furthermore, I will explain my own hypothesis then examine regional difference in the approaches to hate crimes and compare and contrast them to Daniel Elazar’s idea of political cultures. My own hypothesis is that moralist cultures will have been the first to initiate hate crime policy and be most likely to have such policies followed by individualist, then traditionalist political cultures. Hate Crime: Definition and History Every since the body of James Byrd was found in pieces on a road in east Texas, the authorities have been struggling to bring charges to reflect the horror of the crime. â€Å"Murder seems too pat: Mr. Byrd was chained to a truck and dragged for almost three miles†. In Texas, simple murder does not carry the death penalty. But Mr. Byrd was black, apparently murdered by racists, so there is a call for this killing to be labeled a â€Å"hate crime†, for whi... ...tiation of Hate Crime Law in the United States, 1978 to 1995: Innovation and Diffusion in the Criminalization of Bigotry.† American Sociological Review. April, 1998: 286-307. 4. Haider-Markel, Donald P. â€Å"The Politics of Social Regulatory Policy: State and Federal Hate Crime Policy and Implementation Effort.† Political Research Quarterly. March, 1998: 69-88. 5. â€Å"An Unwise Road in Texas.† The Economist. 20 June, 1998: 17. 6. â€Å"The Hate Debate.† The New Republic. 2 November, 1998: 7-8. 7. â€Å"1999 Hate Crime Laws: Anti-Defamation League.† URL: 8. â€Å"The White House Conference On Hate Crimes.† URL: 9. Elazar article 10. U.S. Census Bureau Statistical Abstracts of the United States: 1998. â€Å"No. 344- Hate Crimes- Number of Incidents, Offenses, Victims, and Offenders by Bias Motivation: 1996.† Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1998. 21 September, 1998: 215. 11. Wirt Lecture 12. Sharkansky article. 13. â€Å"Map of State Statutes: 1999 Hate Crime Laws.† URL:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Christian Dior

Did you know there was another world war after World War II? It brought the American and British government into the fashion world. They were faced against Christian Dior and The New Look of 1947. As he brought out the infamous hourglass figure on to runways, it sparked a fire in pop culture. The look gave women around the world femininity and featured their cinched waist, accented bust and fulfillment pleated skirt. With the launch of Door's first collection, in February 1947, he turned the fashion world upside down with a bold stroke.Christian Dior (19051957) founder of Dior Company, commonly known for selling French luxurious goods was a very gifted man. As Europe was overcoming the horrors of World War II, Dior presented his very first collection to the press at 42. After 6 horrible years of women wearing gloomy, tasteless clothes, Dior wanted to give them their taste back with lightheartedness and the art of seduction. The style of the suits and dresses focuses on soft shoulders , a sleepyheads bodice, a narrow waist, and a full skirt flaring out from the hips to touch the medical.The deteriorating of Harpers Bazaar Caramel Snow had extreme faith in the designer as she exclaimed, â€Å"It's quite a revolution, dear Christian! Your dresses have such a new look! † at his first show. She then cabled the brilliant slogan to her editor, and within two days, it caused shock waves to pass through both sides of the Atlantic. Women all around the world raced to have this fashionable, elegant suit made for themselves. America and Britain were not happy because during the war, there were government regulations that dictated men and omens fashion.Women were given a lean, boyish silhouette 10 years prior to WI and now the women's figure had become exaggerated and glorified. The material needed for the skirts and coats were excessive amounts and you would need several yards of fabric Just to make the petticoat. American and British government tried to persuade wom en not to wear The New Look and many women criticized it by saying it was wasteful, expensive and unpatriotic. Britain had tried to deny it existed and their government banned Vogue from publishing about The New Look orDior in the world renown fashion magazine. In France, Britain and the US, if you were found wearing The New Look, on the street you would be harassed if you were an early wearer. In America, there was disapproval of the very idea of importing from abroad. Not only did the government fight back towards Dior, but citizens started to do the same. While Dior was on his American tour to promote his line, he was pushed away from the Chicago train station by angry housewives who were holding signs up saying things like â€Å"Burn Monsieur Dior! â€Å", â€Å"Christian Dior go home! . He had similar encounters in Louisville, Loadable, and Georgia. But there were few exceptions. The British Embassy held a secret session in Paris in 1947, where Princess Margaret was shown Do or's creations for her and her sister for social events. The New Look had soon become about opulence and wealth, and though only the opulent could wear it, he brought color after the dark days of the war Just using a few strokes of a pencil. As Dior lived his golden years from 1947 to 1957, he had evolutionism fashion and brought back elegance to the fashion industry.Though The New Look was extremely controversial and expensive, it went world wide within one short week. By spring of 1948, The New Look had worked its seductive charms and the extravagant dresses were absolutely everywhere. The New Look slowly grew on both Britain and the US as it proved that it was making citizens happier and giving out Jobs. â€Å"Women, with their sure instincts, realized that my intention was to make them not just more beautiful but also happier,† Dior later said. Christian Dior Christian Dior The Dior Couture fashion house was founded in 1946 by the French designer Christian Dior. Dior was the most influential designer in the 1950’s and held his first couture fashion show on 12th February 1947. The collection consisted of a range of luxurious clothes, soft shoulders, narrow waists and full flowing skirts. This was to be named the New Look. (Fig 1) ‘The New Look’ 1950’s The New Look was a new concept on life for the post-war era. Dior was correct to assume people wanted change after the deprivations caused by the war.Before the new look, women had to ‘make do and mend’ with the materials that were available; fashion consisted of square shoulders and straight knee length skirts because of wartime restrictions. The New Look was a return to the traditional concept of femininity and glamour. After women had been limited to little availability of materials during the war time, they were now able to buy fabrics such as silk and cotton. (fig 2) ‘Make do and mend’ 1940’s war time fashion Dior’s couture house was overcome by orders from all around the world as the New Look became a global success.Dior had revived the fashion in Paris for the greater good and presented the new look in places such as America and to the British Royal Family in London. He was then guaranteed success and recognized as having shown a true work of excellence. Throughout the 1950s, Christian Dior was the biggest and best-run haute couture house in Paris. Christian Dior produced more fashion collections between 1954 and1957 which proved to be very successful, yet none of these were as acclaimed as the New Look. As the most famous couture house in the 1950s, Dior attracted a lot of talented assistants.One was Pierre Cardin; an Italian born tailor who showed a lot of potential and strive for fashion before leaving in the late 1940’s to start his own business. Another designer that worked closely wit h Dior was his young assistant Yves Saint Laurent. After joining the company of Dior in 1955, Yves Saint Laurent flourished and expressed his love for fashion which was noticed when he contributed thirty five outfits for the autumn 1957 collection. In 1947 the Dior Company was to launch its first perfume, called Miss Dior, the perfume was a big success!From 1947 until 1950, a Christian Dior perfume branch was established and a new ready-to-wear house was also founded in New York at the corner of Fifth Avenue. In 1949, the new look line made a profit of 12. 7 million francs. Dior died suddenly 1957, which left the company deciding whether to close the fashion house or not, but the company decided against this due to financial stability and wanted to revive the company to what it was before. (Young designer) Yves Saint Laurent was to become head designer for the fashion house.Yves Saint Laurent created an outstanding collection in just nine weeks. Yves Saint Laurent was only 21 at the time; Laurent still kept Dior’s style the same but decided to use softer fabrics making them easier and more realistic to wear. Yves Saint Laurent took an opportunity to express his own ideas, no longer taking influence from Dior’s designs. Saint Laurent was designing for Dior in a time of a more youthful era and captured this in his designs for Dior. Yves Saint Laurent expressed a vibrant theme and conveyed a balance of admiration and outrage.In 1960 Yves Saint Laurent designed The ‘Beat Look’ for Dior, this collection was unsuccessful. The collection consisted of high pullovers, knitted caps, leather suits and coats. This was too radical for the fashion world. In 1960 Saint Laurent was ordered to serve in the French Army, during this time the owner of the House of Dior decided he would be replaced. ( fig 3) ‘The beat look’ Yves Saint Laurent 1960 Marc Bohan replaced Yves Saint Laurent between 1960- 1989. Marc Bohan brought a new outlook to the house of Dior by rejecting contemporary fashion; he took inspiration from Christian Dior’s 1920s designs.He was publicly praised by Rebecca Arnold as the man who kept the Dior label â€Å"at the forefront of fashion while still producing wearable, elegant clothes. † In January 1961, Bohan released a collection, which consisted of waistlines dropped; flared skirts embellished with fur stoles and also incorporated Dior’s traditional beading and embroidery. Bohan attracted a lot of famous social figures to his collection such as the actress Elizabeth Taylor who ordered twelve dresses from the spring-summer 1961 collection featuring the â€Å" slim look† ( fig 4) Mark Bohan ‘ the slim look’ for Christian Dior 1960’s ttp://blog. fidmmuseum. org/. a/6a01156f47abbe970c0168e56ae3ad970c-800wiSaint Laurent’s designs where very different from Marc Bohans. Bohan had different aspirations and ideas than Saint Laurent, as he wanted to tak e the company back to its original house style whereas Yves Saint Laurent wanted to voice his own ideas and not taking inspiration from what Dior actually wanted. In 1989 Bohan left Dior, before joining for the house of Norman Hartnell in London, where he worked for the label until 1992.Bohan has since designed under his own name. ( fig 5) Chrisitan Dior by Gianfranco Ferre- Fall 1989 Couture In 1989 Gianfranco Ferre decided to agree he would become head designer for Dior. His first haute couture collection was shown In July 1989, just two http://media-cache-ec2. pinterest. com/upload/44191640064762754_fdMj30cl_b. jpgmonths after Ferre’s arrival at Dior. Some people saw his move to the French fashion house outrageous because he was not French and where undecided if he could prove himself as a success at Dior.It turned out that Ferre proved everyone wrong and his designs became known all over the world. Ferre had a deep understanding of fashion history and that was shown in hi s work. He was very careful when designing for Dior, making sure it was what Christian Dior would have wanted, he showed a lot of similar attributes to Dior himself such as a caring attitude, attention to detail and a passion for all things luxurious, elegant and beautiful (fig 5) Eva Peron wearing a Dior Dress- 1950. fig 6) 195 S/S 2010 floral collection By Galliano by Dior (fig 7) http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/29/Evita_Dior. jpg/200px-Evita_Dior. jpg Gianfranco Ferre inspiration at Dior was Eva Peron who was also one of Christian Dior’s original customers. Eva Peron was the first lady of Argentina to wear a dress by Dior in the 1950s. She and Dior both adored each other. http://www. wearefreshfish. com/blogg/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/00210m. pgAnna Wintour and CEO Arnault (editor in chief of Vogue) made a conscious decision to appoint British designer John Galliano to replace Gianfranco Ferre in 1997. This once again caused controversy in France b ecause Galliano was not a French designer. Arnault once quoted â€Å"talent has no nationality† and he even compared Galliano to Christian Dior himself. Galliano showed creativity beyond any other designer and a talent very close to Dior. He created a mixture of excitement, romance and femininity – a few things Dior honoured the most.Galliano showed raw talent and whilst at Dior he brought the company to life with his use of colours, texture and creativity which no other designer had shown at Dior. He was praised by many for his unique ability, which was different to any other designer at Dior. Galliano wanted to bring life to the house of Dior with his flamboyant nature. Whilst other designers wanted to refer back to old designs of Dior and keep the look simple but still elegant, Galliano wanted to express excitement in his collections.In May 1998 another Dior boutique was opened in Paris and also in New York City. This was the first time Paris would witness the openi ng of a Parisian Dior Boutique which was very exciting for the company. The following year the perfume ‘J’adore’ was released which became well known across the world, but not only in Paris. On 5th October 1999, Galliano released the Dior Spring/Summer collection 2000- Ready- To-Wear fashion show, the show consisted of saddle bags. Galliano was promoted to extend his thinking into accessories, advertising and communication for the company.The first advertisement under Galliano’s influence was photographed by Nick Knight featuring a provocative image of two girls stimulating intercourse which then became known around the world and other fashion company’s started to use sex as advertisement porn chic. Galliano utilized his time at Dior wisely by making the company’s name famous globally through his release of accessories such as watches and fragrances. In 2001 Galliano began to release his own Dior watches with the start of the â€Å"Chris 47 Aluminum† line, this created an exciting era in Dior.The watches he released were a big hit; some were only a one off collection. When the Dior 66 watch was released people were shocked because it was going against Dior’s femininity. By 2002, 130 boutiques in different locations were in full operation. Dior Fine Jewelry also launched her own watch name â€Å"Le D de Dior† resembling the collection of fine Jewelry. Not only did the company produce feminine watches but masculine as well. The company was not just aimed at femininity anymore but wanted to provide for men also. In 2006, the Dior watch booth

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Energy Harvesting and Nanotechnology

Energy Harvesting and Nanotechnology| April 28 2011 | Energy harvesting generators are attractive as unlimited replacements for batteries in electronic devices and have been the focus of new researches for past years. This paper reviews the principles behind this technology and their integration to harvest energy. Also proposes a greener alternative for the production of quantum dots before the integration to new technologies. | Nanowires and Quantum Dots| Energy Harvesting with Nanowires and Quantum Dots Introduction Harvesting energy is the core of our modern human existence. We need to power our cars, homes, and personal electronics. T o power our technology we need energy. Most electrical energy is harvested in one of two ways. These ways are mechanically harvested or harvested from solar power. Mechanically harvested energy needs moving parts, for example, to turn a generator. Solar energy can be harvested through solar cells via the photoelectric effect. As technology becomes smaller and more compact, power conversion technology needs to also adapt to this changes. Nanotechnology has shown great promise to become the power generator for future nanotechnology. 1 That is the purpose of this paper to show how this technology works and is integrated to the production of energy. Nanowires have a diameter in between 20 nm and 100 nm. They can be made from many types of material, however most research is being done on silicon nanowires1-2 3 4 5 6 ; carbon and CdS/CdTe7 nanowires also are being researched. These nanowires can convert solar energy into electrical energy with enough efficiency to power small devices. This technology can create self sufficient nanotechnologies that do not need batteries or need to be connected to a power source. This new technology will be completely different to the macro-technology we have today, were we have to change out batteries or plug them into a wall. Self-sustaining technology is very green, because they do not need a non-renewable outside energy sources. Quantum dots are being researched as a viable alternative to silicon based solar cells. Quantum dots are small particles, or â€Å"nanoparticles†, of a semiconductor material, most common chalcogenides (selenides or sulfides) of metals like cadmium or zinc (CdSe or ZnS), which are usually from 2 to 10 nanometers in diameter. Because of their size, quantum dots display unique optical and electrical properties that are different in character to those of the corresponding bulk material. The most relevant of these is the emission of photons under excitation, which are visible to the human eye as light. Moreover, Quantum dots can be tuned to certain wavelengths based on their size and are able to produce more than one electron per absorbed photon. These molecules are generally made out of CdSe and are cheap, their synthesis is relatively green, and they have great stability over many years. They do not bleach like other dyes and their efficiency does not fade nearly as quickly as normal dyes. 7 Nanowires and quantum dots have become very interesting topics in chemical research. They have potential to start a new wave of technology and may be the future power source of almost every technology. This article is about how scientists can harvest solar power on a nanoscale, with quantum dot technology showing much promise as a green solution. Solar Power. Today, solar power is harvested by large photovoltaic cells (a solid state electrical device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity) that are made of crystalline silicon; the generation of electricity from the sun was a landmark in Green Chemistry. However, these large panels are bulky and expensive. Silicon nanowires use the same mechanism for power generation, but are smaller and more portable. The coaxial silicon nanowires operate by using coaxial shells selectively doped to absorb photons and produce electrons. 1,3 Coaxial silicon nanowires have 2 shells and a core, figure 1 shows the nanowire and a view of the cross section of the nanowire. Figure 1. The blue outer shell is the n-type shell, the inner yellow shell is in the i-type shell, and the pink core is the p-type core. The diagram on the right shows how the holes (h+), and the photo generated electrons (e-) flow across the nanowire. (Adapted from figure 1 in Nature 2007, 449, 885-889) The outer shell is crystalline in structure which enables the wire to absorb photons. The semiconductor material construction made this nanowire operate like a diode. Diodes allow current to flow one way but not another. Diodes are very common in household electronics and circuits. This means that self-powered circuits can be created from these nanowires. , 3-4 Quantum Dots are able to emit three excitons from one photon through an effect called the Multiple Exciton Effect. An exciton is an electron and its hole. Quantum dots can be tuned to many different wavelengths of light, because the wavelength they absorb is based on the diameter of the dot. The material for quantum dots is more cost effective than silicon-based solar panels. Theoretical limits for power conversion efficiency are approximately 60% 7. This is an amazing efficiency, but there are some debates about how true this efficiency is. There is not much known about quantum dots still, the organic outer layer that is used to separate these particles seem to have photo-electronic effects as well. Figure 2, shows an experimental power generator utilizing quantum dots and a mechanical piezoelectric generator. Figure 2 This is a power generator that uses both solar and mechanical means to harvest power. The quantum dots are interlaced in the ZnO nanowires. The solar cell power conversion efficiency of this device was 15. 8%. Unfortunately, the process of making heavy metal quantum dots is not very green. Some processes require high temperatures and heavy material loss. Current production methods have seen some LCA assessments of quantum dots. There is a lot of waste developed during the production and purification of quantum dots. Mass-by-mass comparison with silicon solar cells, show that quantum dots require far more energy and solvent. However, since only a small amount of quantum dots are being used in technology and the long lasting and high efficiency of power generation gives quantum dots a better assessment in all environmental aspects except heavy metal emission. Since emerging technologies rapidly change, this assessment could be outdated in six months with a new greener synthesis. Proposal Greener QDs: Cadmiun free quantum dots In many parts of the world there are legislation that restrict and in some cases ban heavy metals such as Cd in many household appliances such as Lighting equipment , Electrical & electronic tools, sport telecommunication equipment and entertainment devices. Many reports have shown that cadmium-based QDs were toxic at the tissue and cellular levels when their surfaces are not carefully functionalized. 1, 12 CuInS2 is a direct band gap semiconductor material with a band gap of 1. 45 eV. Thus, by tailoring their composition and size, it is possible to fabricate CuInS2 QDs that emit from the visible to near-infrared (NIR) region, with high quantum yield. More importantly, CuInS2 QDs are more suitable for biomedical imaging applications and integration in household devices because the particles are free from toxic elements such as cadmium, lead, mercury. The properties of these nanoparticles are very similar to those of CdS quantum dots, but the overall efficiency and shifts in spectra are still lower that the ones obtained by cadmium QD’s. More research needs to be done to increase the overall properties of this nanoparticles and their integration to electronic devices, but some ideas that are being currently tried are coating CuInS2 with organic materials that enables the particles to be more efficient and increases their luminescence. Currently this QD’s are being mass produced for example by Nanoco is a nanotechnology company located in Manchester, United Kingdom that uses a molecular seeding method adapted for other compound semiconductor materials, which have similar optical properties to those of CdSe quantum dots (such as the family of III-V materials), but do not contain heavy metals. So the possibilities for the implementation of this technology on devices that are in constant contact with humans are infinite, if new alternatives like this are implemented in future designs. Conclusion Self-sustaining technology is the end goal for these nanogenerators; this can lead to a green revolution in technology and reduce the emissions into our atmosphere. Currently, quantum dots are beginning to show amazing properties that may one day replace batteries and carbon- based energy production. Unfortunately, the current process for the synthesis of quantum dots generates too much solvent waste and uses too much power, but there is research trying to quantify the environmental impact and reduce it. Since quantum dots are an emerging technology, the production and utilization may drastically change in the coming years and hopefully a strong emphasis on low environmental impact will be on the forefront. Meanwhile this technology is being introduced in the solar energy production and medical procedures like targeting cell and biomarkers, giving results that promise a change in the way energy is produced. References 1. Tian, B. Z. ; Zheng, X. L. ; Kempa, T. J. ; Fang, Y. ; Yu, N. F. ; Yu, G. H. ; Huang, J. L. ; Lieber, C. M. , Coaxial silicon nanowires as solar cells and nanoelectronic power sources. Nature 2007, 449 (7164), 885-U8. 2. Peng, K. Q. ; Wang, X. ; Lee, S. T. , Silicon nanowire array photoelectrochemical solar cells. Applied Physics Letters 2008, 92 (16). 3. Sivakov, V. ; Andra, G. ; Gawlik, A. ; Berger, A. ; Plentz, J. ; Falk, F. ; Christiansen, S. H. , Silicon Nanowire-Based Solar Cells on Glass: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Cell Parameters. Nano Letters 2009, 9 (4), 1549-1554. 4. Tian, B. ; Kempa, T. J. ; Lieber, C. M. , Single nanowire photovoltaics. Chemical Society Reviews 2009, 38 (1), 16-24. 5. Tsakalakos, L. ; Balch, J. ; Fronheiser, J. Korevaar, B. A. ; Sulima, O. ; Rand, J. , Silicon nanowire solar cells. Applied Physics Letters 2007, 91 (23). 6. Yang, R. S. ; Qin, Y. ; Dai, L. M. ; Wang, Z. L. , Power generation with laterally packaged piezoelectric fine wires. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2009, 4 (1), 34-39. 7. Lee, M. ; Yang, R. ; Li, C. ; Wang, Z. L. , Nanowire-Quantum Dot Hybridized Cell for Harvesting Sound and Solar Energies. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 1 (19), 2929-2935. 8. Sengul, H; Thomas T. , An environmental impact assessment of quantum dot photovoltaics from raw material acquisition through use. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2011, 19, 21-31. 9. Ken-Tye Yong, Indrajit Roy, Rui Hu, Hong Ding, Hongxing Cai, Jing Zhu, Xihe Zhang, Earl J. Bergey and Paras N. Prasad; Synthesis of ternary CuInS2/ZnS quantum dot bioconjugates and their applications for targeted cancer bioimaging, Integr. Biol. , 2010,  2, 121-129 10. www. nonoco. com 11. K. -T. Yong, H. Ding, I. Roy, W. -C. Law, E. J. Bergey, A. Maitra and P. N. Prasad, ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 502. 12. Y. Su, Y. He, H. Lu, L. Sai, Q. Li, W. Li, L. Wang, P. Shen, Q. Huang and C. Fan, Biomaterials, 2009, 30, 19.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Learn How to Sing Happy Birthday in German

Learn How to Sing Happy Birthday in German A fun tradition in families all over the world, its always nice to hear someone sing you a happy birthday song. In German-speaking  countries, two popular songs that are used: the Happy Birthday song we are familiar with in English and a special, much longer, and very touching song that celebrates the persons life. Both songs are fun to sing and a great way to learn while practicing your German. A Simple Translation of the Happy Birthday Song To start off simply, lets learn how to sing the basic Happy Birthday song in German. Its very easy because you only need to learn two lines (the first line repeats, just like in English) and you will use the same tune as you would sing in English. Zum Geburtstag viel Glck, Happy Birthday to You, Zum Geburtstag liebe (name) Happy Birthday dear (name) While this song is  fun to learn, it should be noted that the English version of the song is heard  most often, even at parties where everyone speaks German. Alles gute zum geburtstag means happy birthday and is a traditional way to wish someone a happy birthday in German. Wie schà ¶n, dass du geboren bist Lyrics Although the English version of Happy Birthday to You remains the most common song heard at German birthday parties, this song is just as popular. It is one of the few German birthday songs to gain widespread popularity in German-speaking countries. Wie schà ¶n, dass du geboren bist  (â€Å"How nice that you  were born†) was written in 1981  by the Hamburg-born musician and producer Rolf Zuckowski (1947- ). It  has become a standard in German childcare facilities, schools, and at private birthday parties and has even been elevated to folk song status in its short life. Zuckowski is best known for writing and singing childrens songs and has released over 40 albums in his career.  In 2007, he worked with illustrator Julia Ginsbach to publish  a baby album for parents, using the title of  this song. German Lyrics Direct Translation by Hyde Flippo Heute kann es regnen,strmen oder schnein,denn du strahlst ja selberwie der Sonnenschein.Heut ist dein Geburtstag,darum feiern wir,alle deine Freunde,freuen sich mit dir. Today it can rain,storm or snow,because you yourself are beaminglike sunshine.Today is your birthday,thats why were celebrating.All your friends,are happy for you. Refrain: *Wie schn, dass du geboren bist,wir htten dich sonst sehr vermisst.wie schn, dass wir beisammen sind,wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind! Refrain:How nice that you were born,we would have really missed you nice that were all together;we congratulate you, birthday child! Unsre guten Wnschehaben ihren Grund:Bitte bleib noch langeglcklich und gesund.Dich so froh zu sehen,ist was uns gefllt,Trnen gibt es schongenug auf dieser Welt. Our good wisheshave their purpose (reason):Please stay longhappy and healthy.Seeing you so happy,is what we like.There are tearsenough in this world. Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch,das ist ganz egal,dein Geburtstag kommt im Jahrdoch nur einmal.Darum lass uns feiern,dass die Schwarte kracht,*Heute wird getanzt,gesungen und gelacht. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,that doesnt really matter,but your birthday comes onlyonce a year.So let us celebrate,until were exhausted,*Today theres dancing,singing and laughter. Wieder ein Jahr lter,nimm es nicht so schwer,denn am lterwerdennderst du nichts mehr.Zhle deine Jahreund denk stets daran:Sie sind wie ein Schatz,den dir keiner nehmen kann. Another year older,(but) dont take it so hard,because when it comes to agingyou cant change anything anymore.Count your yearsand always remember:They are a treasure,that no one can take from you. * The refrain is repeated between each of the following verses and again at the end. *  German idiom:  arbeiten, dass die Schwarte kracht to work until one drops,  lit., to work until the rind cracks The German lyrics are provided for educational use only. No infringement of copyright is implied or intended. The literal, prose translations of the  original German  lyrics by Hyde Flippo.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Decision Making

In this paper, I would like to report on my job experience as a business consultant in Japan. In 2001, I worked in a corporate main-system implementation project in a Japanese traditional chemical company. That project was made up by 4 teams (Accounting, Budgeting, Production control, and Procurement) and each team had about 10 or 12 staff, and it totaled around 50 people. (Fig. 1) @I was assigned in Production control team and functioned as a progress management staff. In the project, there had a weekly-meeting to discuss challenges and to check progress of each team. Attendants of the meeting were a project-leader, team-leader and sub-team leader from each team. One day, three team leaders (accounting, budgeting, and production control) reported that all things were going well as usual, but only procurement team-leader reported differently. He said that his team could not complete their tasks within their schedule demanded by the project, because they had trouble with coordination with their business partners and clients. (In this project, procurement team had to contact with their suppliers and clients about their new transaction flow.) Therefore, he requested that more staff should be allocated to his team, or schedule should be arranged for them. But regarding this issue, most attendants of other three teams (Accounting, Budgeting, Production control) insisted that procurement team should tackle with the trouble by current resources and should get done within current schedule, because they (three team leaders) did not want to be affected by such changes and also did not have any interests in other team fs trouble. Therefore, although he explained the difficulty of coordination with partners and clients many times, most attendants continued to oppose his request. Eventually, project leader respected the majority opinion and he concluded that procurement team should work harder towards the objective. Then, procurement tea... Free Essays on Decision Making Free Essays on Decision Making In this paper, I would like to report on my job experience as a business consultant in Japan. In 2001, I worked in a corporate main-system implementation project in a Japanese traditional chemical company. That project was made up by 4 teams (Accounting, Budgeting, Production control, and Procurement) and each team had about 10 or 12 staff, and it totaled around 50 people. (Fig. 1) @I was assigned in Production control team and functioned as a progress management staff. In the project, there had a weekly-meeting to discuss challenges and to check progress of each team. Attendants of the meeting were a project-leader, team-leader and sub-team leader from each team. One day, three team leaders (accounting, budgeting, and production control) reported that all things were going well as usual, but only procurement team-leader reported differently. He said that his team could not complete their tasks within their schedule demanded by the project, because they had trouble with coordination with their business partners and clients. (In this project, procurement team had to contact with their suppliers and clients about their new transaction flow.) Therefore, he requested that more staff should be allocated to his team, or schedule should be arranged for them. But regarding this issue, most attendants of other three teams (Accounting, Budgeting, Production control) insisted that procurement team should tackle with the trouble by current resources and should get done within current schedule, because they (three team leaders) did not want to be affected by such changes and also did not have any interests in other team fs trouble. Therefore, although he explained the difficulty of coordination with partners and clients many times, most attendants continued to oppose his request. Eventually, project leader respected the majority opinion and he concluded that procurement team should work harder towards the objective. Then, procurement tea...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why We are Shy Writers…and Natural At It

Why We are Shy Writers†¦and Natural At It I swear†¦emails from readers are the best catalysts for editorials and lessons. They make me think, and they give me ideas for stories, for solutions, for hints on how to help other writers. It’s been a while since I’ve talked SHY WRITER. As many of you know, I wrote THE SHY WRITER REBORN because I have an earnest longing to help writers afraid to publish, speak or self-promote. It’s hard. I hate it, too. It goes against my grain. If I could stay locked up in my study writing, and let someone else sell my work, I would. Most of us would. So I wrote THE SHY WRITER REBORN to share the hints, lessons and tricks I’ve collected over the years that help me step away from my desk and be an entrepreneur. I’m much better than I used to be, but still, there are many moments when I want to turn down an opportunity, walk away from people, and crawl into my own head to live out my life†¦and tell my stories. But last week I received this memo: â€Å"I need a push. Confidence in business and teaching has been my strength for so many years. Why am I a shy writer?† This woman could’ve been me . . . WAS me. As a federal director for years, I held a reputation for being pretty strong and diligent in maintaining the direction of any mission assigned to me. Many relied upon me. Some of my peers found me intimidating. To tell you a secret, part of that intimidation was the fact I would write better than anyone I met within the agency, and trust me, writing well makes everyone who can’t write think you’re part genius. But I recall the first time I had to read my fiction aloud, at a critique group. After 25 years of management, I sat in a room at the local library, holding only ten people, and literally shook as I read Chapter One of Lowcountry Bribe. Five years later, when Lowcountry Bribe had a contract, when I should’ve felt validated, I stood at a writers conference to read my fiction again, and shook. That evening, I pondered what the deal was. How could I be so strong one minute and fearful the next? Then it hit me. In business and teaching, we are symbolic of an organization, a school, a subject. We are something else. However, as writers, we are putting ourselves out there. What we say is only ours, from our words, our personal thoughts. That’s hitting too close to home. If we can put ourselves in the â€Å"role† of author, maybe that same strength we use for business and teaching would come forth. And I’ve been using that logic ever since.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Security in Electronic Voting Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Security in Electronic Voting Systems - Essay Example Though electronic voting systems are highly efficient and accurate, security of the systems is of high concern. Security in electronic voting is core in the terms of confidentiality of voter information and prevention of malicious or accidental abuse of electronic voting (Liaw, p 110). Electronic voting systems must be efficiently designed to maintain high confidence levels and integrity in order to eliminate voter manipulation, and the manipulation of the electronic voting at large (Liaw, p 115). The electronic voting system should be capable of separating the data content from its presentation form to avoid replication of the web content. This is ensured by the use of modern technologies in the system design, such as the extensive markup language for the web representation of the data content and the extensive language transformation style sheets for the customization of the data presentation. Electronic Voting Security Requirements Confidentiality: The electronic system must be ap propriately designed to ensure the confidentiality of voters’ personal information. ... Authentication: The system must ensure that the voter is efficiently identified, as per the registration database, to be entitled to and allowed to vote. Appropriate identification documents may be required for clarification of voter identity (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). The voter must identify him/herself as per the system’s voter registry to be able to vote, and hence an elimination of fraudulent voting and manipulation of the electronic voting (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Anonymity: On the other hand, the electronic voting system must also ensure that votes are not associated or identifiable with voter identity. The system should also be non-coercible, that is, voters should not be able to prove to others on how they voted. This eliminates vote selling and/or coercion (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Verifiability: The electronic voting system should be able to efficiently verify voters for voting, after identification. Additionally, the system should also be able to verify the results to ensure accuracy, including the number of voters who participated and the total number of votes cast. The system should be reliable and robust to eliminate the loss of votes, despite any technical failures such as loss of network communication (Bungale & Sridhar, p2). Cryptographic Chimes of an Electronic Voting System The cryptographic voting protocols ensure and facilitate verifiable voting without fundamentally trusting any software in the voting system. However, cryptographic protocols may cause challenges to the voting system, such as denial of service, compromise on voter confidentiality and creation of subliminal channels in the encrypted ballot. In addition to analyzing the

Friday, October 18, 2019

One flew over the cuckoo's nest by Ken Kesey Annotated Bibliography

One flew over the cuckoo's nest by Ken Kesey - Annotated Bibliography Example The significance of the book in American literature is that it is a metaphor for society – the dehumanizing force of administrative and medical power is likened to mechanical â€Å"Combine† which is a huge machinery of oppression. Normal human behaviours are suppressed and the machinery of power is challenged by the tragic hero McMurphy. In the end he is lobotomized and finally killed by the narrator. It sounds like a horror story and it has very serious themes, but there is a lot of humor in the dialogue and in the quirky character of McMurphy. This book contains a short but fascinating discussion of the character of Nurse Ratched, the Big Nurse. Using Freudian and Jungian psychological concepts, Aguiar shows how McMurphy sets himself up to fight a huge battle with a typical â€Å"ball-cutter†, which reveals his fear of the castrating female. This is then described as an archetypal mother hatred scenario, and Aguiar suggests that all of the male patients in the asylum see Nurse Ratched as a mother figure, and they apparently masochistically project their fear of their own mothers onto her. The target of McMurphy’s rebellion is not just the authority that Nurse Ratched holds, but also her actual femininity, and this is made clear when McMurphy attacks her and exposes her large breasts. Aguiar explores a Jungian analysis of this act in terms of the Oedipus complex, but somehow this analysis is unconvincing. After all Nurse Ratched triumphs over McMurphy in the end, and it could be argued that she is as much a v ictim of the oppressive system as he is. This book pursues a very strong feminist line, but in Kesey’s novel it finds more questions than answers, throwing up a number of intriguing theories, none of which address the mixed male/female/machine persona that is Nurse Ratched, or the decidedly positive view that the young McMurphy formed of women and heterosexual love. This book examines issues around the religious nature of the

Policy & development and evalvation 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Policy & development and evalvation 2 - Essay Example It simply offers solution and tries to ascertain how an increase can be made to the number of people in the social housing. With examples from countries such as Britain, United States, and Sweden it analyses their policies and checks on whether they seceded or not. To this end, it is informative, sceptical, and analytical. To understand whether there can be an increase in the number of people who attain the social housing with the understanding that there are forces that fight this move and have led to the decrease of the same. Housing is a basic necessity. This then means that home ownership serves the purpose of ensuring that fundamental obligations are fulfilled. This may include raising the quality of family life and education. To this end, housing plays a fundamental role in the economies of both developed and developing countries with the governments of respective countries acknowledging this as a mirror of development. Housing policy then has been regarded in two different views; there are those who view it in terms of continuity or change with the change protagonist accusing the regime of short termism due to their nature of treating the housing as a â€Å"political football† and being chameleons in their nature of changing colours and direction to reflect party political preferences (Balchin and Rhoden 2002). These changing political positions have made it impossible to have choices that are rational in the housing sector. This change perspective is argued by Harloe (1995) who notes that th e case of British housing policy is ideal example where he links the change from the periods of 1919 to 1970s. He notes that this is as a result of both long term economic changes and shorter political tensions by stating that social housing widened from residual housing only in times of market disruptions and political upheavals. Barker

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Myocardial Infarction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Myocardial Infarction - Research Paper Example The area deprived of blood supply is said to have suffered ischemic injury. The ischemic injury, if severe enough to cause the complete block of oxygen and nutrients causes death of the heart tissue, which is termed as Myocardial Infarction (Guyton et al 200, Ganong 2005). Pathophysiology The blood vessels supplying the heart are called coronary arteries. There are three main coronary arteries which supply different areas of heart along with their branches. These are 1) Right coronary artery, 2) Left anterior descending artery, 3) Left circumflex artery. Above 90% cases of myocardial infarction occur as a result of coronary artery blockage, thus the disease is also referred to as coronary artery disease (CAD). The most common and dangerous cause of coronary artery obstruction, and thus MI is Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis refers to the narrowing of arteries because of accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques. These plaques are basically thrombi composed of lipid foam cells (choleste rol) and different cell components including smooth muscle, macrophages and collagen fibres. In most instances, the ischemic myocardial infarction is precipitated by the phenomenon called acute plaque change. Acute plaque change results from the rupture of pre-existing thrombi that partially occlude the lumen. The rupture exposes the underlying thrombogenic endothelium. The plaques are also termed as vulnerable plaques as they contain lipids in high amounts, along with collagen fibres and inflammatory cells. When ruptured, the reactivity of these components causes the inflammatory destabilization and result in the infarction (Libby P 2001). The acute phase reactant, C reactive protein (CRP) is thus found to be high during the acute myocardial infarction (Blake et al 2003). The infarction can occur in either of the two patterns, complete occlusion of a single coronary artery referred to as transmural infarct, which results in complete ischemia of the area supplied by that particular coronary artery. Subendocardial infarcts on the other hand occlude the arteries incompletely, and thus allow some perfusion. But since subendocardium is the least perused area of the myocardium, it is more prone to ischemic death. The aim of reperfusion is to save the viable muscle from necrosis (Huber et al 1996). The myocardial injury is reversible for up to 30 minutes after the ischemic attack, thereafter the injury becomes irreversible. The entire muscle becomes necrotic within six hours, if the collateral arteries are not well developed (Robbins et al 2005, Mohan 2007). Etiology of Myocardial Infarction The development of atherosclerotic plaques and pathogenesis of the process into the myocardial infarction is a complex one. It is a chronic disease taking years to evolve before it causes any modifiable consequences. The evolvement is subtle and the resultant damage is severe. The pathogenesis of the disease involves several factors. The balance among these factors in the long r un determines the outcome of the condition. These factors can either be modifiable or non-modifiable. The modifiable factors are the ones that a person can control by bringing about certain changes. They include controlling the level of fats in diet, cessation of smoking, regular exercise and maintaining the blood pressure in the normal range (Manson et al 1996). The hyperlipidemias, i.e. elevated low density

Genetically Modified Crops are harmful to the enviorment Essay

Genetically Modified Crops are harmful to the enviorment - Essay Example In reality, GMO crops are an invasive species and harmful to the natural environment. Numerous anti-GMO technology activists have come up to condemn the use of GMO within the ecological environment. The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT Para. 1-10) has provided a biased analysis to the use of GMO crop in the natural environment discouraging the public in the agricultural sector to maintain a firm ground against the use of such crops. One of the reasons why the IRT discourages the proliferation of this technology is the fact that the growth of genetically engineered crops has negative permanent impacts on the environment. For instance, when cross pollination takes place, this species of crop will be spread into the environment and will exist there forever. Resultantly, this species will be propagated within the environment, reducing the number of natural crops existing in the natural ecosystem. The fact that GMO crops are superior in terms of production and the rapid growth ra te, it is not in order for this science to eliminate the natural species within the environment. In this light, GMO crops will hurt the environment by reducing the number of natural plants in existence. The IRT (Para. 3) provides statistical evidence to support its argument against the growth of GMO crops. Surveys conducted in the agriculture industry between 1996 and 2009 show that farmers who grow GMO foods have an increased usage of herbicides every year. The reason underlying this fact is that when weed resistant crops are developed, weeds undergo a genetic mutation forming new inexistent weed species. These â€Å"super weeds† are resistant to ordinary herbicides and demand more concentrated forms of chemicals. In the US, GMO crop growers experienced an increase in the cost of chemicals by about $300 million within a period of 12 years. This implies that the natural soils are concentrated with more chemicals increasing its toxicity levels. This is contrary to the proponen ts of this technology who argue that the use of genetically modified crops reduces the use of herbicides. The strength of IRT on the negative environmental impacts of these crops to the environment can be attributed to the statistical evidence that accompanies it. A third argument against the use of the adoption of the genetic modification technology in the agricultural sector is that this technology is a killer of bio-diversity. According to IRT (Para. 4), the proliferation of the GMO technology will hurt the entire bio species and may lead to extinction of even the most endangered species. The genetic modification technology uses lethal chemicals that have long term outstanding impacts on the environment. As these chemicals flow to the water bodies during rainy seasons, they will cause a great risk to the fish, amphibians and all water creatures in the water sources. Equally, all living species that consume GMO crops or water species will be at high risk of infection with untreata ble diseases. For instance, chemicals such as roundup that are used to develop weed resistant crops are cancerous and pose the risk of death to human beings. In essence, adoption of GMO technology will put the entire ecological system in danger including the creator of this technology. Carrington (Para. 1) is among the scholars who have evaluated the other side of the coin as regards the impact of GMO crops

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Myocardial Infarction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Myocardial Infarction - Research Paper Example The area deprived of blood supply is said to have suffered ischemic injury. The ischemic injury, if severe enough to cause the complete block of oxygen and nutrients causes death of the heart tissue, which is termed as Myocardial Infarction (Guyton et al 200, Ganong 2005). Pathophysiology The blood vessels supplying the heart are called coronary arteries. There are three main coronary arteries which supply different areas of heart along with their branches. These are 1) Right coronary artery, 2) Left anterior descending artery, 3) Left circumflex artery. Above 90% cases of myocardial infarction occur as a result of coronary artery blockage, thus the disease is also referred to as coronary artery disease (CAD). The most common and dangerous cause of coronary artery obstruction, and thus MI is Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis refers to the narrowing of arteries because of accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques. These plaques are basically thrombi composed of lipid foam cells (choleste rol) and different cell components including smooth muscle, macrophages and collagen fibres. In most instances, the ischemic myocardial infarction is precipitated by the phenomenon called acute plaque change. Acute plaque change results from the rupture of pre-existing thrombi that partially occlude the lumen. The rupture exposes the underlying thrombogenic endothelium. The plaques are also termed as vulnerable plaques as they contain lipids in high amounts, along with collagen fibres and inflammatory cells. When ruptured, the reactivity of these components causes the inflammatory destabilization and result in the infarction (Libby P 2001). The acute phase reactant, C reactive protein (CRP) is thus found to be high during the acute myocardial infarction (Blake et al 2003). The infarction can occur in either of the two patterns, complete occlusion of a single coronary artery referred to as transmural infarct, which results in complete ischemia of the area supplied by that particular coronary artery. Subendocardial infarcts on the other hand occlude the arteries incompletely, and thus allow some perfusion. But since subendocardium is the least perused area of the myocardium, it is more prone to ischemic death. The aim of reperfusion is to save the viable muscle from necrosis (Huber et al 1996). The myocardial injury is reversible for up to 30 minutes after the ischemic attack, thereafter the injury becomes irreversible. The entire muscle becomes necrotic within six hours, if the collateral arteries are not well developed (Robbins et al 2005, Mohan 2007). Etiology of Myocardial Infarction The development of atherosclerotic plaques and pathogenesis of the process into the myocardial infarction is a complex one. It is a chronic disease taking years to evolve before it causes any modifiable consequences. The evolvement is subtle and the resultant damage is severe. The pathogenesis of the disease involves several factors. The balance among these factors in the long r un determines the outcome of the condition. These factors can either be modifiable or non-modifiable. The modifiable factors are the ones that a person can control by bringing about certain changes. They include controlling the level of fats in diet, cessation of smoking, regular exercise and maintaining the blood pressure in the normal range (Manson et al 1996). The hyperlipidemias, i.e. elevated low density

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

U can choose from below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U can choose from below - Essay Example He realized that the company was one of his working buildings and made a decision of taking all the tests required by the company in order to participate (Steven). Nicholas was immersed in the CRS’s game, though unwillingly. Through his participation in the game, things went out of control making the viewers unsure of the reality. The aim is to explore the plot, techniques, and characters in the film. Plot Nicholas is a wealthy banker with investments. Although his success has been brought about by his personal life, he remains hunted after his father committed suicide. On his forty-eight birthday, he receives a present from his brother, which is a gift card from the CRS Company, which Conrad promised Nicholas that it would change his life. Nicholas doubted but later calls the company. By meeting the fellow members, the game changes Nicholas mind; he applies though irritated by the time it consumed. He is later informed that his application was rejected. By this time, the game has already started and Nicholas highly believes that his life is at risk. He meets Christine who is a waiter and tends to be caught up in the game. Nicholas makes an effort of contacting the police about the company but they find the offices abandoned. At last, Conrad apologizes to Nicholas claiming that through the same company, he was attacked. Since Nicholas had nowhere else to run to, he finds Christine’s’ home and realizes that she is an employee from the SRC Company. She tells Nicholas that they are being watched, and he furiously attacks the cameras thereby forcing them to flee. Christine tells Nicholas that most of his close associates participate in the game. Nicholas later becomes unconscious and is drugged by Christine (Steven). When he wakes up, he finds himself in a cemetery at Mexico where he is forced to sell his golden watch. When he goes back home, he finds his mansion has already been seized. He takes out a gun apologizing to his wife for the neglec t. Nicholas discovers an employee from the SRC who is a famous actor forcing him to make his entries to the SRC. Nicholas almost committed suicide, although unsuccessful. He smashes through a glass roof landing on a giant air bag, which saved his life. He later finds himself with his friends and relatives as well as his colleagues in the game. Conrad is alive and explains that his intensions were for the game to change his brother’s life. Nicholas sees Christine leaving the party, follows her, and shares a cup of coffee, as he waits for the next assignment for the game. How the Actors Portray Key Character Role Reviewing Michael Douglas role as Nicholas Van Orton, examination is on his key traits being a cynic, cold-hearted, high-powered, driven, obsessive, and proud. His obsessive nature is brought out by the way he treats the employees at the investment bank, where he lashes out with demands that are rigid. In terms of being a cynic, he portrays this in a number of ways but in particular, he remains skeptical that the game might make his life fun. He even ends up delaying the call offered by the CRS Company, he also tries to shut others out of his life by showing that he is over the suicide of his father. His high-powered trait and drive are visible in the way he chooses to live his life, with a highly paying investment job and a mansion as his house. However, he is cold-hearted in terms of the inhumane way he treats his secretary (Elizabeth), his ex-wife, and his

Monday, October 14, 2019

How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Actually Achieve Them Essay Example for Free

How to Set Goals and Motivate Yourself to Actually Achieve Them Essay While spending time thinking about the goal in my life, the only one answer coming up in my mind is to achieve success. But what exactly the word ‘success’ should be defined? Thinking considerably, there are at least two fundamental achievements in life that inspire people. One is to be rich, while another one is to be famous. Though these two words are somehow closely related if you think about the celebrities who are famous and rich at the same time, there are some others who only have high recognition but not rich, such as Mother Teresa who devoted her whole life doing charity for the poor. Therefore, the topic that I am really interested in is about whether to be rich or to be famous is the key word for success. However, I will approach the topic by saying that to be famous is the first priority in order to gain success. Because being famous and being rich are both signs leading to success, comparing its similarities is not that useful. Therefore, the style of this essay will be a contrast instead. What I expect from contrasting their difference is that the readers will realize being famous is the sustainable way to achieve success rather than being rich. In other words, money cannot be used to buy the fame. Though being rich is another sign of success, without being famous, one can be forgotten easily. On the other hand, being famous is eternally recognized by people. Even if they died, the world still praise and remind of their accomplishments. By standing on this opinion, people will not just look forward to making money, but will try themselves on inventing new things, creating beautiful arts, and doing whatever they are interested to become well-known by others and then succeed in their lives. The essay will convince the readers to believe that the key word to success should start from being famous and will prove that it is true by giving examples about people who were quite poor but famous and successful in their lives. The contrast topic will be controlled differently in each paragraph depending on famous area of those people. I plan to include three content paragraphs with three following people: Ghandi (Politics), Van Goh(Arts), and Mother Teresa(Religion). As a result, this essay is worthy to compose because it will be such a good lesson to teach children or even adults to understand the regular basis of being successful in life. Trying to be famous is the first step to achieve sustainable success.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Youtube The Best Way For Advertisements Marketing Essay

Youtube The Best Way For Advertisements Marketing Essay Most businesses have no idea and how to present their video in front of the hold world people. So, YouTube is the most essential tool. This is because YouTube is the best way to enhance the products and services of company through video advertising and video tutorial. YouTube advertising is an online advertising which can let firm post up a lot of video to advertising their small company product and information because this online advertising system is very cheap with another advertisement. Those videos will show to all people in the world who have online in YouTube. The internet researchers can upload and watch their advertisement video and tutorials on the internet for free. Nowadays YouTube is a great new approach to promote business. Through the advertising of video in the YouTube, it can quickly present our new ideas and new services in front of people who able to use YouTube. Then the video tutorials are the fastest way to help people to understanding our business. Second, it c an introduce our company to help building a bridge between us and client through the YouTube advertising. Furthermore, video advertising in the YouTube also can help to promoting new proposals and announcements of companys product and services to every client. But it also has some disadvantages. For big business, the owners need to pay a higher fee to promote their products. Then the advertising of the business will clearly to show out in YouTube. YouTube promoted video is easy to control and upload. At the first, the business owners have to create their video promotion. For example, they have to choose one of promoted video and write some promotional text or contents, and tell them which keywords should be trigger our promotion. Then the second step is launching your campaign. For example, the business owner can using their keywords, then the video promotion will now appear next to contextually relevant search results. The third step is get more views and pay only for results. For example, when the YouTube viewers click on your product promotion, they will see your video. So, you only need to pay when people click to see your video. But it also has some disadvantages. This YouTube advertising is poor campaign management when promoted any videos. It also has some currently limited features. Blog advertising Blog advertising is an e-commence system which can make selling and buying advertise space easy. This Blog advertising will share out to all internet users who has use Blog to do online shopping and show opinion. This blog advertising will be able to accept all advertisement type because this blog have offer the largest variety of advertise units. This e-commence system has a lot of benefit to users. This blog advertising is free. The advertisers dont have to pay for hosting and domain registration fees. So, the advertiser can save their money and no need to do another expensive advertisement such as Television advertisement, Newspaper advertisement and magazine advertisement. Moreover, this online system will be automatic updates the advertiser profiles. The business man can use the blog to advertise their own company products and content on their site. Then the business man can choose their available advertise sizes. So, advertiser can focus on building their blogs traffic and content. The advertiser can use the blog advertising to develop their company goal and objective. Moreover, they also can do some promotion in blog. Blog advertising can easy provide online credit card and PayPal payment to advertisers. Then, the advertisers can easily pay the fee of advertising. Blog advertising provides the 24 hours per day advertise performance reporting and statistics. Besides that, it also can display advertisement with rotating advertise versions. This online system can help to provide a simple and effective advertise formats to every searchers. Then, this blog have a comment space to all searchers and advertisers. So, the advertiser will be able respond all question and feedback for searcher. It also has some disadvantages. The advertisers cannot monetize their blog because all the advertisement is controlled by the internet owner, then the advertisers are not allowed to display their advertisements. Moreover, this online advertising has limited storage spaces and limited design. In Google advertising we can found Google have two type of advertising method such as Google AdWords and Google AdSense. Google nowadays are already become a first search tools on internet. Google featuring is the most excellent web search. Its including a list of Image search, Current news, User group, online sales, Government document and Article research. When using Google to searching company product you can type the value turn of phrase into Google search box then we can quickly find the answer. Besides that, Google is without charge to use and the result is according from most popular or least popular. In Google AdSense is it a dominant advertising instrument is due to the detail that the advertising it displays is designed to create a center of attention to the buyers on the websites which are place on. For an example, an online shop sells cloths for a company. In this way, the buyers wants buy new and their favorite cloths or other country fashion cloths, they can search by online and also can order. Google AdSense also despite of how big or small your companys website is, and how you can gross by using this websites advertising methods. Google AdSense also can make you got a rewarded based on how many times your advertisement are clicked on by the visitors. If the submission keeps follow of each click then totals them, and deposits to a related sum into the bank and account to your record with them. By this way, if a company having without to put forth much effort at all, your website can gross profits. Which company is using Google AdSense, it will become an elegant marketing plan such as, exposure which means a millions people over the world who can found out about the companys products and services through this advertising. This will be sure to increase interchange to company site and company sales. The second is extra earnings which can let you get extra income as more people begin to click on your advertising. For hits the target enlarges, the benefits from AdSense advertising are gain to the company. The third is control. This function is simple to set of connections on company website and permits some control over what websites are advertised on your site. By using filters, for example, you can make sure that competitors do not use your website space to advertise their advertisement. Well, Google AdSense also easy to sign up. It is because the online application for signing up only need fill some details of the person and it is a free application. Facebook advertising already become an online sells in websites. Nowadays, company can specifically target the advertisement placement system. The site has massive a list of individual information of nation as well as age, gender, address, likes, dislikes, marital status, employment information and the live stream of present significances. This means Facebook has a lot of power to target the nation see the product. For this advertisement, we can choose the located by selecting a very detailed information of a customer profiles. Well, by this function, we can reach the target from the consumer are more directly and more easy to get the increasing of profit for company. As we can know is Facebook advertising can save more expenses. For example, a small company wants advertise their product with less expensive fees, they can choose Facebook advertising. It is because best and easy method. You just need sign up an account and create your advertisement, therefore it become a less expensive advertisement method. Besides that, this advertising method has a greater elasticity as 135 characters of a long word limits on the advertising and elasticity to decide on content. In this advertising method, we can add on the image of products and we also can put up advertising according to our daily advertisement budget. The way to promote is create a Facebook page of business and provides with the newest details and updates about the products to the consumer. This also becomes a greater and more direct for consumers to search. Facebook also have a good benefit of using like features. One of the advantages of advertising on Facebook is Like or Fan characteristic which provides the means for word of mouth marketing via news feed. For example, if any user likes your advertisement, then it will become a broadcasted to all of his/her friends who have subscribed to his/her news feed. So if you netting one of the consumers through an advertisement, you have the opportunity of net a lot more. In between, its also a goods and suitable for an online business. Its can find out an income from getting out to the customer of a precise geographical locations and individual profiles. As long as the experience of invitation can let you reach the word about newest offers provided by your business.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Literary Essays :: Literature

In literary essays, students are exploring meaning and construction of a piece of literature. In a review students are discussing overall effect and validity of written work, while in a literary essay students are paying more attention to specifics. Students are taking a piece of writing and trying to discover how and why it is put together way it is. Students must adopt a viewpoint on work in question and show how details of work support their viewpoint. Like the novel, the essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything. By tradition, almost by definition, the essay is a short piece, and it is therefore impossible to give all things full play within the limits of a single essay. But a collection of essays can cover almost as much ground, and cover it almost as thoroughly, as can a long novel. Montaigne's Third Book is the equivalent, very nearly, of a good slice of the Comà ©die Humaine. Essays belong to a literary species whose extreme variability can be studied most effectively within a three-poled frame of reference. There is the pole of the personal and the autobiographical, there is the pole of the objective, the factual, the concrete-particular, and there is the pole of the abstract-universal. Most essayists are at home and at their best in the neighborhood of only one of the essay's three poles, or at the most only in the neighborhood of two of them. There are the predominantly personal essayist s, who write fragments of reflective autobiography and who look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description. There are the predominantly objective essayists who do not speak directly of themselves, but turn their attention outward to some literary or scientific or political theme. †¦ And how splendid, how truly oracular are the utterances of the great generalizers! †¦ The most richly satisfying essays are those which make the best not of one, not of two, but of all the three worlds in which it is possible for the essay to exist The research essay leads students into works of others and asks students to compare their thoughts with their own.

Friday, October 11, 2019

American Views Before and After World War II

America is well-know for its wealth and independence. Proud Americans come together to fight for democracy and freedom, while fighting against extremists and their desire for world conquest. War stories usually favor the victor. As a result, after World War II, many of the stories that began to circulate added to an already inflated US ego. After World War II, depending upon the country, the impressions of Americans are diverse.On one hand, Americans were saviors; however, the other hand, many were offended because of America’s tentativeness to join the war efforts, plus the overconfidence Americans displayed with they eventually joined the war. Although, the US declared themselves as isolationists, they continued to provide defense supplies to the Allied states. These defense supplies came by way of Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease program. This program contributed to Allies collaborative efforts to resist German advancements. The Axis powers took considerable offense to this po licy, which resulted in hostility towards the US.By the time, the US officially entered the war; a devastated, Nazi-occupied Europe was struggling for survival. The wealth gained from Lend-Lease resulted in a secure and confident economy for the US. This great wealth, massive military, and America’s ability to harness atomic power, added to the audacity to use that power, were the factors that elevated the US into superpowerdom. Although, the economy was not the only reason for America’s ascent to become a superpower, it was also the combined efforts of the American citizens to support the war effort, which attributed to their elevated status.However, according to Stoler, most Americans did not attribute the end of World War II to combined efforts; they perceived it as a return to â€Å"normalcy† (p. 385). Stoler continued his opinion by stating that both Britain and the Soviet Union were slightly aggravated and annoyed at the US for assuming the superior status at the end of World War II (p. 388). Americans believed their arrival secured the defeat over Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire. However, Britain and the Soviet Union’s opinions differ slightly regarding the US.According to Stoler, the British considered Americans â€Å"latecomers† to the war and felt abandoned during the first two years (p. 388). When the US finally decided to join the war, they entered with the â€Å"naive, arrogant, and incorrect belief that they should dictate both combined wartime strategy and a new, self-serving postwar international order† (p. 388). From the Soviet’s point of view, America’s role was â€Å"relatively insignificant† as compared to the Soviet role; plus, the US deliberately procrastinated entering the war with the intention to exploit the Soviet Union by using the Lend-Lease program (Stoler p.388). Memory serves as an important element during war-time. Many people consider memories of specific event s irrelevant. These recollections of selectively retrieved events can possibility deliver incorrect details of said events. Earl Kelly with the McClatchy-Tribune Business News even quoted Carol Gluck while speaking at the 31st annual Bancroft Lecture at the Naval Academy, â€Å"history and memory are often in collision, rather than collusion, with each other† (2010).Even the most overrated misconceptions of World War II were sometimes included into movies. Often, the US Government embedded them selves into the movie industry. The reason being was to influence Americans on the importance of entering the war by means of propaganda. Worland states, that the Office of War Information affected most popular war-time films; especially films that â€Å"depicting the armed forces, images of America as a united, democratic society, the ideology of the Axis enemy, and so on† (p.48). This governmental influence pushed Americans to support the war effort. The U. S. brought to the w ar added military, supplies, and ideas for the Allies. While the US may have been imprudent and arrogant in their attempt to assume control, but the U. S. did bring alternative solutions to the table. To some countries, Americans are egotistical and lazy. Fortunately, America’s pompous attitudes gave the added incentive and strength to the Allied powers that helped end the war. Works Cited Kelly, E.(2010). Historian says memories fuel inaccuracies. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2155533071). Stoler, M. (2001). The Second World War in U. S. History and Memory. Diplomatic History, 25(3), 383. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Worland, R. (1997). OWI meets the monsters: Hollywood Horror Films and War Propaganda, 1942 to 1945. Cinema Journal. 37(1), p. 47-65. Stable URL: http://www. jstor. org/stable/1225689

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Supported by the lines

The first thing that can take immediately one’s attention about the poem is its rhythm. The lines contained therein would be appealing for children to read, but they would have difficulty in interpreting its meaning. I, for one, distinguished the meaning of the poem as something like a tiger stalking through the forest in the dead of the night. Yet, I also imagined that the poem talks about a constellation of stars resembling the shape of a tiger in â€Å"the distant deeps or skies.†The first paragraph is clear that the tiger is walking along through the forest, perhaps hunting for its prey. This is supported by the lines â€Å"In the forest of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry. † The would-be-prey in this poem could be a human being. The man fearing the tiger because of the lines â€Å"and when thy heart began to beat, what dread hand? And what dread feet? in what furnace as thy brain? what the anvil?What dread grasps dare it s deadly terror clasp? † The poem was always in an â€Å"inquiring mode. † Meaning, it asks so many questions; literally, the poem is littered with question marks. The reader would find it sometimes difficult to read the poem with ease and fluidity, because what he unconsciously does is to pause after a line, then tries to answer the question for each line. Nevertheless, the poem did manage to create a sense of beauty surrounding the mystery of the tiger hunting in the night.After reading the poem, I arrived at the conclusion that the poem will appeal to children because of its rhythm and the subject of the poem, yet it would appeal also to inquiring adults because of the intricacies posed by the questions in the poem. Three questions for other students; 1) What does the word â€Å"Lamb† in the poem stand for? 2) â€Å"On what wings dare he aspire? † what does this line mean? 3) Why did William Blake describe â€Å"Tyger† as burning bright?

Once Were Warriors Essay

â€Å"Forget the big players in the world; it is the people in the margins of our society whose stories are most compelling. † To what extent do you agree with this statement? Respond to this question with close reference to one or more text(s) you have studied. The Heke family that feature in the ground-breaking New Zealand film from 1994, ‘Once were warriors’ directed by Lee Tamahori are clearly a family living on the margins of society. They live in a state house next to a busy and noisy motorway in South Auckland, New Zealand. Their story is undoubtedly a compelling one: an abusive husband with a love of beer drinking and parties who gains respect from the use of his fists at the local pub; a long-suffering wife who has somehow managed to hold the family together through an obviously tumultuous 18 year marriage; a disillusioned older son who flees the dysfunctional household to join a gang; a pubescent daughter who is the de-facto mother of the family; another son who has gotten in with the wrong crowd and is committing petty theft and two younger children, Polly and Huata. Director Lee Tamahori uses a range of camera and sound techniques, dialogue and compelling themes to teach us about the dangers of excessive alcoholism and moving away from our ancestral connections. Jake ‘the muss’ Heke is a compelling protagonist. After being laid off from his job, he uses his redundancy money to bring home seafood for his family. We are initially positioned to see him as a loving and caring family man, that is until his wife Beth discovers he has been laid off and sees her dreams of buying their own home go out the window. Jake is a man of excuses who sees the dole as being â€Å"only 15 bucks a week less than my wages† and bursts into a tirade of abuse when his wife Beth resists his sexual advances after discovering the truth. Jake also excuses his own propensity for violence when he says, â€Å"Look when I get like that, get out of my way, but you’ve got to get all lippy on me. Sure I’ve a temper, but who hasn’t? † It is apparent that Jake has an inferiority complex dating right back to his courting days of Beth saying â€Å"I was never bloody good enough† and that he descends from a â€Å"long line of slaves† unlike Beth who originates from more upper-class Maori roots. What this highlights is that domestic violence, while inexcusable can often have its origin in insecurities from years beforehand. This is why men in particular need to seek help when they are struggling with issues instead of resorting to excessive bing-drinking to numb emotional pain. Jake’s wife, Beth is also on the margins of society as we see her struggling to raise her family amidst all the physical and verbal abuse around her. Gradually the low angle shots of Beth become more prominent as her courage to stand up to her abusive husband increases as also seen in her dialogue. I won’t have any more of these parties or your bloody ugly mongrel mates coming over. † Tragically, Beth’s surge in power in response to Jake’s failure to take the family to see Boogie in the Boy’s home comes too late, as unbeknownst to her, Uncle Bully has raped her daughter, Grace sending her into a downward spiral which culminates in her suicide. Beth’s cou rage in standing up to Jake and restoring the family without him is compelling. It must have inspired many women across New Zealand and indeed the world to leave behind dysfunctional and violent domestic set-ups. The fabulous low-key lighting and low angle shot of Beth at the end as she calmly informs Jake that ‘from now on I make the decisions for my family’ is inspirational and reminds us of the ‘mana, pride and spirit’ that many Maori have. She finally goes ‘home’ to her Maori ancestral roots as well as literally home to restore her devastated family in the wake of Jake’s departure. Perhaps the most compelling story of hope in the film is that of younger son, Boogie who is ‘sent into welfare’ after the state decides his family can no longer control him after his mother, Beth fails to accompany him to a court hearing (due to suffering a beating and rape at the hands of Jake) as a result of a string of petty crimes. Boogie finally gets the tough love he needs from Maori man, Bennett a distinguished tane who teaches Boogie to use ‘his taiaha on the inside,’ instead of on the outside. Boogie learns that true mana is found by using your mind and developing the inner-strength and resolve to solve problems instead of resorting to violence. Bennett, initially called a ‘black bastard’ by Boogie despite being Maori trains Boogie to reconnect with his maori tikanga and culture which effectively clears up Boogie’s confusion about his Maori identity and that this can be a source of pride. This shows that with the appropriate guidance, initially wayward youth can have a chance to redeem themselves, although this is a job parents and to a lesser extent teachers need to be doing. State foster homes should only be a last resort. In conclusion, ‘Once Were Warriors’ left an indelible mark on the psyche of many New Zealanders with its brutal violence and depiction of problems such as binge-drinking and poverty that previously were swept under the carpet. Only by examining characters on the margins of society can we truly learn how easy it is to get there ourselves if we do not value our families, our education or seek help when we are struggling with issues from our past. The story of the Heke family is a compelling one and a story we would do well to consider seriously.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Comparative International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative International Management - Essay Example el is closer to the model of collectivism  described by Hofstede  which leads to find some features of Rhineland capitalism in other cultural contexts, whether Asian or North American. Rhine model of capitalism does not support American ideas of individualistic goals and ruthless corporate entities; rather it places great emphasis on strengthening social cohesion. Rhineland model believes in a harmonious collaboration between governments, workers and employers. Anglo-Saxon Model The Anglo-Saxon neoliberalism was coined in 1930s which appeared in contrast to the then prevailing Fabian socialism. Anglo-Saxon represents a neo-liberal social and economic model of democratic intervention in the economy. In Anglo-Saxon model, the planning of the economic process is assigned to the utopian social engineering. In Anglo-Saxon model government intervention leads to increasing restriction of individual freedom through authoritarian orders, prohibitions and regulations (Nobes, 2003). The res triction of economic freedom is not separable from the restriction of political freedom. Comparative Analysis of the Two Economic Models Albert (1991) is of the opining that major differentiation exists between two types of capitalism – the Anglo-Saxon capitalism and the Rhineland capitalism.  The Anglo-Saxon capitalism is presented by Albert (1999) as extremely liberal, based only on criteria of supply and demand.  The shareholders are the law firms, and they only want one thing: profitability.  Whatever the means, the key is to maximize profits, even if only to see that in the short term.  The Anglo-Saxon capitalism does not accommodate regulations that prevent companies have their way.  That is why Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan have both worked to deregulate the economy at all... The paper critically evaluated the argument of Albert that Anglo-Saxon model will ultimately outperform the superior Rhine model. The analysis of these arguments is carried out in the context of economic theories and work of other prominent economists and researchers. It is concluded that Rhine model has been traditionally supported by thinkers because it stands on a moral high ground making it necessary for the society to look after the interest of the individual and to provide safety framework for weaker components of the society. Yet, Anglo-Saxon model is found to outperform Rhine model due to individual drive and motivation for gaining personal benefits. Thus, the thesis of Albert is supported by contemporary economic research and it is found that Anglo-Saxon model is anticipated to outperform Rhine model. This paper makes a conclusion that the progress of individualism finds expression in the demographic decline of the Rhine countries. The consequences were disastrous for the economy in every way and it destroys the basis of social solidarity and community. Under Rhine model of capitalism, governments are almost always afraid of being misunderstood and insecure in the face validity of the measures coming into question. Along with the influence of individualization, there are losses caused by trade unions and collective bargaining. According to Albert, this economic model produces less productivity because it is characterized by traditional career plans in favor of clear success-oriented career opportunities following the American example of the young graduates.