Tuesday, October 15, 2019

U can choose from below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

U can choose from below - Essay Example He realized that the company was one of his working buildings and made a decision of taking all the tests required by the company in order to participate (Steven). Nicholas was immersed in the CRS’s game, though unwillingly. Through his participation in the game, things went out of control making the viewers unsure of the reality. The aim is to explore the plot, techniques, and characters in the film. Plot Nicholas is a wealthy banker with investments. Although his success has been brought about by his personal life, he remains hunted after his father committed suicide. On his forty-eight birthday, he receives a present from his brother, which is a gift card from the CRS Company, which Conrad promised Nicholas that it would change his life. Nicholas doubted but later calls the company. By meeting the fellow members, the game changes Nicholas mind; he applies though irritated by the time it consumed. He is later informed that his application was rejected. By this time, the game has already started and Nicholas highly believes that his life is at risk. He meets Christine who is a waiter and tends to be caught up in the game. Nicholas makes an effort of contacting the police about the company but they find the offices abandoned. At last, Conrad apologizes to Nicholas claiming that through the same company, he was attacked. Since Nicholas had nowhere else to run to, he finds Christine’s’ home and realizes that she is an employee from the SRC Company. She tells Nicholas that they are being watched, and he furiously attacks the cameras thereby forcing them to flee. Christine tells Nicholas that most of his close associates participate in the game. Nicholas later becomes unconscious and is drugged by Christine (Steven). When he wakes up, he finds himself in a cemetery at Mexico where he is forced to sell his golden watch. When he goes back home, he finds his mansion has already been seized. He takes out a gun apologizing to his wife for the neglec t. Nicholas discovers an employee from the SRC who is a famous actor forcing him to make his entries to the SRC. Nicholas almost committed suicide, although unsuccessful. He smashes through a glass roof landing on a giant air bag, which saved his life. He later finds himself with his friends and relatives as well as his colleagues in the game. Conrad is alive and explains that his intensions were for the game to change his brother’s life. Nicholas sees Christine leaving the party, follows her, and shares a cup of coffee, as he waits for the next assignment for the game. How the Actors Portray Key Character Role Reviewing Michael Douglas role as Nicholas Van Orton, examination is on his key traits being a cynic, cold-hearted, high-powered, driven, obsessive, and proud. His obsessive nature is brought out by the way he treats the employees at the investment bank, where he lashes out with demands that are rigid. In terms of being a cynic, he portrays this in a number of ways but in particular, he remains skeptical that the game might make his life fun. He even ends up delaying the call offered by the CRS Company, he also tries to shut others out of his life by showing that he is over the suicide of his father. His high-powered trait and drive are visible in the way he chooses to live his life, with a highly paying investment job and a mansion as his house. However, he is cold-hearted in terms of the inhumane way he treats his secretary (Elizabeth), his ex-wife, and his

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