Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Learn How to Sing Happy Birthday in German

Learn How to Sing Happy Birthday in German A fun tradition in families all over the world, its always nice to hear someone sing you a happy birthday song. In German-speaking  countries, two popular songs that are used: the Happy Birthday song we are familiar with in English and a special, much longer, and very touching song that celebrates the persons life. Both songs are fun to sing and a great way to learn while practicing your German. A Simple Translation of the Happy Birthday Song To start off simply, lets learn how to sing the basic Happy Birthday song in German. Its very easy because you only need to learn two lines (the first line repeats, just like in English) and you will use the same tune as you would sing in English. Zum Geburtstag viel Glck, Happy Birthday to You, Zum Geburtstag liebe (name) Happy Birthday dear (name) While this song is  fun to learn, it should be noted that the English version of the song is heard  most often, even at parties where everyone speaks German. Alles gute zum geburtstag means happy birthday and is a traditional way to wish someone a happy birthday in German. Wie schà ¶n, dass du geboren bist Lyrics Although the English version of Happy Birthday to You remains the most common song heard at German birthday parties, this song is just as popular. It is one of the few German birthday songs to gain widespread popularity in German-speaking countries. Wie schà ¶n, dass du geboren bist  (â€Å"How nice that you  were born†) was written in 1981  by the Hamburg-born musician and producer Rolf Zuckowski (1947- ). It  has become a standard in German childcare facilities, schools, and at private birthday parties and has even been elevated to folk song status in its short life. Zuckowski is best known for writing and singing childrens songs and has released over 40 albums in his career.  In 2007, he worked with illustrator Julia Ginsbach to publish  a baby album for parents, using the title of  this song. German Lyrics Direct Translation by Hyde Flippo Heute kann es regnen,strmen oder schnein,denn du strahlst ja selberwie der Sonnenschein.Heut ist dein Geburtstag,darum feiern wir,alle deine Freunde,freuen sich mit dir. Today it can rain,storm or snow,because you yourself are beaminglike sunshine.Today is your birthday,thats why were celebrating.All your friends,are happy for you. Refrain: *Wie schn, dass du geboren bist,wir htten dich sonst sehr vermisst.wie schn, dass wir beisammen sind,wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind! Refrain:How nice that you were born,we would have really missed you otherwise.how nice that were all together;we congratulate you, birthday child! Unsre guten Wnschehaben ihren Grund:Bitte bleib noch langeglcklich und gesund.Dich so froh zu sehen,ist was uns gefllt,Trnen gibt es schongenug auf dieser Welt. Our good wisheshave their purpose (reason):Please stay longhappy and healthy.Seeing you so happy,is what we like.There are tearsenough in this world. Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch,das ist ganz egal,dein Geburtstag kommt im Jahrdoch nur einmal.Darum lass uns feiern,dass die Schwarte kracht,*Heute wird getanzt,gesungen und gelacht. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,that doesnt really matter,but your birthday comes onlyonce a year.So let us celebrate,until were exhausted,*Today theres dancing,singing and laughter. Wieder ein Jahr lter,nimm es nicht so schwer,denn am lterwerdennderst du nichts mehr.Zhle deine Jahreund denk stets daran:Sie sind wie ein Schatz,den dir keiner nehmen kann. Another year older,(but) dont take it so hard,because when it comes to agingyou cant change anything anymore.Count your yearsand always remember:They are a treasure,that no one can take from you. * The refrain is repeated between each of the following verses and again at the end. *  German idiom:  arbeiten, dass die Schwarte kracht to work until one drops,  lit., to work until the rind cracks The German lyrics are provided for educational use only. No infringement of copyright is implied or intended. The literal, prose translations of the  original German  lyrics by Hyde Flippo.

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